Assignment 2 Application Critique: Google Trips

Only a mobile app

Google trips is a good mobile app with a pretty UI and good UX. Its true that mobile app is obviously more accessible during travel but it would be really great to have a web version too for planning stages, since planning is easier on a browser and you can do your research and planning on one platform, and do not have to go back and forth to the mobile app to feed your data.

Fetching reservation details from gmail is buggy

This feature sounded intriguing to me but it was unfortunate to learn that it does not function well. Lots of users have complained about the app not detecting correct reservation details and also continuous importing of backdated/changed reservations that have already been cleared from trash. This feature should be improved as it is a key feature and you definitely do not want users to miss reservation confirmation notifications.

Timeline Functionality

In its presentation, Group 7 emphasized on the timeline functionality that they would want Google Trips to include. With this timeline feature, your trips can become more descriptive and a better log can be maintained. I agree with them. However I feel it can become a feature bloat if a simple travel planner has all features.

Moreover, a very important feature  I personally feel a trip planner should have is cost splitting. So maybe Google Trips can collaborate with Splitwise or make their own bill-splitting feature. 


  1. Hi Kush, Charlton here. Personally, I think that having the timeline feature should be the main focus for google trips. The main selling point about Google Trips is what Google does best - information searching and gathering. To further improve on their recommendation system, perhaps they should allow users to export their own trip itinerary as a package for other users to drag and drop into their own schedule. The itinerary would become better over time as more users try it out and offer improvements to the current package.

  2. Hey Kush! Google was smart to capitalise on travelers by creating 'Google Trips'. As someone who has used 'Google Trips' before, I was impressed by the curated information Google provided me with based on my flight/hotel bookings and interests (the question of using my private data is a separate debate). Yes, so far the app isn't able to detect every Gmail reservations but I think it will be resolved in the near future when Google AI improves even more. I think it is important to highlight that as of now, I can't think of any competitors to Google Trips. No other application out there is able to curate travel information as well as 'Google Trips'.

    I don't think that a 'Timeline' feature will pose as a feature bloat if implemented correctly. As much as possible, new features should be seamlessly integrated and complement existing ones.

    -- Jin Jia

  3. Hi Jaron, thank you for commenting. I agree with you on the fact that its a very impressive app. As far as the auto-detection of reservations is considered, AI always gets better with time since more and more data gets added to the dataset which makes it smarter.



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